Start embracing the life that is calling you. Find your calling. Know what sparks the light in you so you can illuminate the world” – Oprah

Over 15,000 Burgonians around the world has take their responsibility for their life calling, that was to be the insider of Fashion Industry. In order to get where they are, they realy used every single minutes they had toward their passion.

It is not only about the day you bring your collection to the Fashion Show, but it is all about the preparation. The firm preparation of skills, authenticity, and attitude that Burgo never failed to valued. Because the best opportunity might come suddenly and the best way to face it, is to be always prepared.

Burgonians has packed their way with all the preparations they need to escalate. And their achievement is never be a one hit win, but a sustain story of success.

Answer your life calling in Fashion Industry, and packed your own way towards the escalation that you are supposed to be!

And at last, we are thrilled to Invite you to Burgo Indonesia Open Day:

1 November 2021

Virtual Fashion Show: Burgo x Bazaar Indonesia
Celebration Burgo New Place

2 – 4 November 2021

Trial Class
10 am – 12 pm & 2 pm – 4 pm

5 November 2021

Burgo Presentation Day
Meet & Greet
Founder of Istituto di Moda Burgo Indonesia

Join us and start your free trial lesson at Burgo Indonesia by visiting our School at The Plaza Indonesia!