Open House Burgo Indonesia "The Fashion Odyssey"
Do not miss it!Visit Burgo Indonesia Open House!24 June 2023. 1PM"The Fashion Odyssey"It's a rare occasion where you can see closely the exciting journey and the process of becoming a fashion designer through our Best Students of FashionPreneuer Batch 2023!
~ Free trial class:Fashion Design, Beading Class, and CLO3D. Register needed.~ Private study consultation~ Scholarship 2023And a chance to get on the day:- 50% Admission Fee- 50% Study Tools- Cashback by Tokped payment (yearly installment)- Free application form- Free Shingo Sato Masterclass- Gift Voucher by Torenda @torenda.idSupported by: The Plaza, Plaza Indonesia and Greens.@theplazaofficetower @plazaindonesia @greensindonesiaIt's Limited seat!DM us orRSVP :